National Education Policy 2020. Building a new Educational System in India




Multidisciplinary teaching, Equity, Inclusion, India, Teacher training


Alicia Sianes Bautista, Universidad de Jaén, Encarnación Sánchez Lissen, Universidad de Sevilla


India is about to face great challenges in the upcoming years, some of them are going to have an economic, social or even technological nature. In spite of being an emerging economy that during the last twenty years has considerably reduced its extreme poverty and has bet for the Sustainable Development Goals (World Bank, 2020), in India there are still huge duties to care about. These are specially related to poverty, inequalities, employment and also with the education results that the students of this country achieve. In this scenario of contingencies Education has a fundamental and decisive role. Therefore, the National Education Policy 2020 has been turned into the framework of this reform that may help build a new educational system in this country, besides strengthening those economic and social indicators that still need to be improved. This new educational policy comprehends drastic and integral changes where all the educational levels and areas, despite the curriculum structure itself, are going to be affected. In relation to that, the keys of this reform can be summarized in: promoting equity, developing a model of holistic learning, improving the access of students to several educational levels, achieving a multidisciplinary higher education institution, strengthening a model of educational and scholar inclusion, or improving both teacher and vocational training. In conclusion, the pretensions are focused on a radical reform keeping the balance between local and global, tradition and new perspectives


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Author Biographies

Encarnación Sánchez Lissen, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Sevilla

Dpto. Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social

Alicia Sianes Bautista, Universidad de Jaén

Profesora en la Universidad de Jaén, en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, en el Departamento de Pedagogía. Y Profesora-tutora en la UNED.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Lissen, E., & Sianes Bautista, A. (2020). National Education Policy 2020. Building a new Educational System in India. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (37), 356–370.

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