Guidance and tutorial action in higher education: the contribution of service-learning


  • Monike Gezuraga Amundarain Universidad País Vasco
  • Beatriz Malik Liévano Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)



service-learning, guidance, tutorial action, EHEA



The new university model derived from the EHEA entails a major reform in two directions: a curricular one related with the syllabus, the new organization of degrees and the contents that should be integrated in European Higher Education, and a methodological one, which refers to new ways of doing. In this context, tutorial action and guidance gain relevance, and university faculty face new challenges, methodologically, but also new opportunities.Considering Service-Learning (S-L) as an ally in the new teaching role, we were interested in exploring the implications, opportunities and challenges of this methodology for guidance and tutorial action. In order to achieve this objective, the method used to carry out this study was a literature review, using the following key-words: university guidance, tutorial action, Service Learning, as well as S-L in the training of guidance practitioners, besides the analysis of some S-L learning experiences at universities.This review has enabled us to identify clear contributions of S-L to the field of university guidance and tutorial action, especially in relation to the development of competences concerning social responsibility and community action, but also other academic and career aspects, which we present in this article.  Finally, we propose some future research lines and training in relation to this issue. 


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How to Cite

Gezuraga Amundarain, M., & Malik Liévano, B. (2015). Guidance and tutorial action in higher education: the contribution of service-learning. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 26(2), 8–25.



Research studies