Education in Latin America Today on the Horizon of the Post-2015 Education Agenda


  • Luis Miguel Lázaro Lorente Universidad de Valencia



Education in Latin America, Education for All, Inequalities in education in Latin America, Post-2015 education agenda


The year 2030 marks the renewed limit adopted by the international community —through its governmental and non-governmental organizations— for the achievement of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the six goals of the Education for All (EFA). We present here a general approach to some of the issues that define and condition the current state of education in Latin America in the wake of the post-2015 agenda. To this end, some key conditioning factors of the context, such as the social and economic inequality that characterizes the region, will be addressed. Likewise, documents generated within the governmental and institutional fields —directly related to education at all levels— as well as those coming from organizations from the civil society —committed with the defense of quality and inclusive education as a human right— will be analyzed. Special attention will be given to the picture shown by the 2015 Education for All Global Monitoring Report with regard to the achievements and failures to fulfill the six goals in Latin America. The paper ends with a reflection on the key challenges faced by the region in terms of education with the expectation of further progress in ensuring a longer period of quality and inclusive education for all throughout life.


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How to Cite

Lázaro Lorente, L. M. (2016). Education in Latin America Today on the Horizon of the Post-2015 Education Agenda. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (27), 17–34.



MONOGRAPHIC SECTION: Education in today's Latin America