Engagement in teacher training as a driver of inclusive attitudes





inclusive education, academic engagement, attitudes, teacher training, higher education


The implementation of inclusive, quality, and sustainable education requires committed, enthusiastic, and consistent teachers who have positive attitudes towards inclusion and, in particular, towards learners with Special Educational Needs - SEN - who are increasingly common and present in classrooms. Research has shown how training in inclusion is related to more favourable attitudes. However, the effect of academic engagement of university students on their attitudes towards inclusion and the mediating effect of such training on this relationship has not been examined. The purpose of this study is to test whether academic engagement of university students, specifically in the field of Education, influences their assessment of inclusion training, and whether a better assessment increases positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with SEN. The surveyed sample consisted of 942 students from the Pre-school and Primary Education Grades with a mean age of 20.98 years (S.D = 3.44). Statistical analyses included Student's t test and mediation analysis. The results indicate that women have higher scores on academic engagement, valuing inclusion training and attitudes towards the inclusion of students with SEN. Academic engagement was directly and positively related to more favourable attitudes towards inclusion, and valuing training had a mediating effect of more than 50% on the relationship between academic engagement and attitudes towards inclusion. It is considered and suggested to promote a basic-level teacher training based on the development of high levels of engagement through quality theoretical and practical experiences and to include Inclusive Education as a relevant and transversal element in order to obtain a Higher Education that favours positive attitudes towards inclusion.


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