Evaluación de la participación de las mujeres en los puestos de liderazgo en la enseñanza superior: estudios de caso de Kenia, Sudán del Sur y Uganda


  • Winnie V. Mitullah University of Nairobi
  • Sibrino Forojalla University of Juba
  • Benon Basheka Kabale University
  • Daniele Vieira Federal University of Pernambuco
  • Karina Ginoyan UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean




higher education, women, gender equality, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda


Los marcos políticos y la legislación han impulsado la implementación de programas centrados en mejorar la educación de las mujeres en África del Este, pero la paridad de género sigue siendo un reto en la enseñanza superior, especialmente en los puestos de liderazgo. Este estudio analiza la participación de las mujeres en puestos de liderazgo en la educación superior en Kenia, Sudán del Sur y Uganda y explora los criterios de nombramiento, los obstáculos y los mecanismos para aumentar la representación de las mujeres. Los datos se recogieron mediante una revisión documental y un cuestionario dirigido a funcionarios universitarios y administrado en línea. La muestra final se centró en 19 instituciones de enseñanza superior, y a partir de los datos recogidos se generaron estadísticas descriptivas básicas. Los resultados muestran que las mujeres ocupan menos de la mitad de los altos cargos, tanto a nivel administrativo como académico, en las instituciones estudiadas. Los factores clave que se tienen en cuenta a la hora de nombrar a mujeres para puestos directivos son las cualificaciones basadas en la experiencia, el potencial de liderazgo y la preparación formal. El estudio revela los retos del sector y contribuye a la formulación de políticas públicas basadas en evidencia.


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Biografias Autor

Winnie V. Mitullah , University of Nairobi

Winnie V. Mitullah is a Research Professor and UNESCO UNITWIN Chair on Women and Community Health at the University of Nairobi, Institute for Development Studies. Her discipline is political science and public administration, specializing in policy, institutions, and governance. Her research revolves around the provision and management of urban services, and identity focusing on women, youth, and informality. She has researched, published, taught, consulted, and collaborated with academic colleagues in Kenya, across Africa, and globally. She has served in the Kenya Gender Commission and as an advisor to several gender programs, including Kenya Canadian funded program on Women’s Voices and Leadership.

Sibrino Forojalla, University of Juba

Sibrino Barnaba Forojalla, a Professor of Educational Planning and Management and Education in Emergency (EiE) expert, is the current Dean at the School of Education, University of Juba. He has served as a consultant and researcher for various international and national education organizations; and conducts wide-ranging advisory roles to many education training institutions in the country. Prof. Forojalla was a lecturer at a university in Northern Nigeria, the first South Sudanese Vice Chancellor at the University of Juba, First Undersecretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, and served as a Senior Education Officer at the UNICEF Sudan Country Office in Khartoum.

Benon Basheka, Kabale University

Benon Basheka is a Professor of Governance, Public Administration and Management at Kabale University in Uganda. He is also a Visiting Professor and Research fellow at the School of Public Governance and Administration at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. Professor Basheka is an accomplished scholar, researcher, teacher, management, administration, governance, and leadership specialist and consultant. He has authored more than 80 articles in internationally accredited journals, more than 15 books and book chapters, and a number of reports and conference proceedings. He is also the CEO and Managing Director of Radix Management Consulting. 

Daniele Vieira, Federal University of Pernambuco

Daniele Vieira is an Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil). She was a Programme Specialist at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and then a Senior Policy Analyst at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education. She was part of the coordination team of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and holds a PhD from the University of Hamburg, Germany. She was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Former professional experience includes the German Development Agency GIZ, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Karina Ginoyan, UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Karina Ginoyan is a Junior Consultant at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) and a Research Assistant at Pompeu Fabra University (Spain). She earned her master’s degree in Educational Research from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) in 2022. She has been involved in research projects on gender inequality in education, digital transformation in education, international higher education, and public policy analysis, both in academia and at the UN level. 


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Como Citar

Mitullah , W. V. ., Forojalla, S., Basheka, B., Vieira, D., & Ginoyan, K. (2024). Evaluación de la participación de las mujeres en los puestos de liderazgo en la enseñanza superior: estudios de caso de Kenia, Sudán del Sur y Uganda. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 130–147. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.45.2024.40066