Emerging Countries as Taxon in Comparative and International Education
Adult Literacy, Comparative and International Education, Developing Countries, Emerging Countries, Global South, TaxonomyAbstract
Scholars of the theoretical and methodological bases of the field of Comparative and International Education have for some time argued for the stronger use of supra-national levels of analysis in the field, and also for the consideration of new supra-national taxa rather than many of the problematic supra-national groupings freely used by scholars in the field. This article argues the case for the emerging countries to be used as taxon in the field. The article reviews the arguments for supra-national level of anlalyses as presented by theoreticians in the field, the present state of supra-national analyses and the taxa that are employed by scholars in the field. The merits of developing a taxon of emerging countries is then argued. The concept “emerging countries” as introduced by World Bank economist Antoine van Agtmael in 1981 is clarified, and since then has been elaborated a few times from different constituencies where the term had founded a favourable reception. The authors then presents a tentative grouping, and outlining the societal contexts and education projects in these countries, and argue that these countries collectively present a particularly poignant education laboratory in the current world, worthy of being employed as taxon in the scholarly field of Comparative and International Education. Recommendations for sub-categories are also made.
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