Teaching history in times of pandemic: a case study in a Chilean school
pedagogical practice, pedagogical innovation, Social inequality, Distance learning, case study.Agencies:
Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, ChileAbstract
The carried out research aims to identify and understand the main advantages and challenges for history and social sciences teaching in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, this study recognizes the work spaces that allow teachers to develop historical empathy and the teaching of participatory citizenship through this new school context. This is done through a case study of a group of teachers who belong to an educational centre in the Metropolitan Region of Chile; we have been able to collect the perceptions, emotions, feelings and views of history and social sciences teachers on how they develop their educational practice in a setting of pandemic. The methodology followed is of qualitative nature under a case study design. The results stand out concerning the interrelation that is generated. On the one hand, it interrelates in the complexity that teaching during the pandemic implies with the context of inequalities that the school faces highlighting the efforts of educational innovation to generate significant learning for and the students. Amongst the main conclusions there are the efforts made by teachers to generate educational innovation in the complex context of the pandemic, where the school and all the social problems that arise are inserted. Teachers have found the spaces and raised new perspectives of teaching that promote historical empathy and education for citizenship in students.Downloads
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