Reflections, tools, competences and responses for International Education in Covid-19 time


  • María Amaya Gómez Rojo Universidad a Distancia UNED



international education, creativity, entrepreneuship, global compact of education, solidarity, global education


The reality that plagues us has transformed our lives in many ways. Working together, we must find other ways to continue and build upon what has been achieved so far. With regards to International Education, or rather, education in general, we must find solutions in order to continue providing the student with the skills and capabilities required to become a global citi- zen. History has taught us that resilience, creativity and entrepreneurship have been essential in overcoming other challenging times. Following the IMRAD format and a qualitative research methology, this article aims to invite proposals and suggestions, of all kinds, in order to help the educational world move forward, creatively and globally. Which in turn will also help bring about improvement, in the medium and long term, for the future of countries. With all the uncertainty that surrounds us, an opportunity arises to sign a Common Agreement for World Education where the entire international community collaborates on a set of shared goals. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a rapid response to the need to enhance the training and prepara- tion of future educators. As well as a recognition of the necessity to carry out additional projects that support the development of other, more disadvantaged educational communities. However, there is also much to learn from this, and often the benefits, far outweigh the risks. The aim is to focus our energies on finding solutions and connections in the globalized world. Turning our vulnerability into strength and taking advantage of it, to achieve a more just and better prepared world, as set out by the aims of the objectives in the 2030 UN Agenda.


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Author Biography

María Amaya Gómez Rojo, Universidad a Distancia UNED

*María Amaya Gómez Rojo: es Doctoranda, UNED, Facultad de Educación, línea 1 de investigación: Educación Comparada, las políticas educativas y su desarrollo en el ámbito internacional. Licenciada en Derecho (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Grado en Educación Primaria, especialidad Inglés (Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid), Grado Profesional de música (Conservatorio Amaniel, Madrid) Auxiliar de Conversación en Irlanda (curso 2016-17). Desde 2000-01, Profesora de Educación Secundaria en la Comunidad de Madrid (España). Datos de Contacto: E-mail: 


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How to Cite

Gómez Rojo, M. A. (2021). Reflections, tools, competences and responses for International Education in Covid-19 time. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (39), 203–217.