University Iberoamerica 2030: a proposal by the OEI for the Iberoamerican higher education


  • Ana Capilla Casco Universidad Francisco de Vitoria



University, Research, Agenda 2030, Harmonization


Higher education is one of the top priority OEI’s lines of action, according to the mandate granted by the Iberoamerican Education ministers to the organization. This is explained by the increasing number of university students and the fact higher education is key to overcome the “productivity trap” the Latin American countries suffered specially. And the every time more pressing need of achieving a long time desired aim: to build an Iberoamerican area of higher education and research. All these elements are integrated in the strategy University Iberoamerica 2030 planned by the OEI for the next decade, and which mark a clear path for the higher education institutes


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Author Biography

Ana Capilla Casco, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Coordinator of Higher Education, ETP and Science at the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture, and professor of International Relations at the Francisco de Vitoria University.Contact information / Contact information: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Capilla Casco, A. (2020). University Iberoamerica 2030: a proposal by the OEI for the Iberoamerican higher education. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (37), 111–128.



MONOGRAPH: Supranational Education and Higher Education: proposals, impacts and challenges