Otherness and the construction of the future : Mexico’s indigenous people education, a historical balance
México, intercultural education, educational policiesAbstract
The comprehension of the educational policies for the attention of the Indians in Mexico requires to know the way in which these cultures have been seen along to develop historically of our nation. If we think that the education is one of the bases to advance towards a future of progress and modernization, this otherness represented by the Indians should be in agreement to the nationalistic longings of homogeneity. The education for the Indians has been debated around two questions: what to do and how to treat these people who, from this perspective, they are a symbol of the most distant roots of our identity, at the same time represent a big burden for our walk to the future.
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How to Cite
Rodríguez, X., & Velasco, S. (2014). Otherness and the construction of the future : Mexico’s indigenous people education, a historical balance. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (23), 77–94. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.23.2014.12298
MONOGRÁFICO: Educación y grupos minoritarios