Lying, malingering or deception? a perspective from adolescence


  • Susana Molina Martín Universidad de Oviedo
  • María de las Mercedes Inda Caro Universidad de Oviedo
  • Carmen María Fernández García Universidad de Oviedo



adolescence, behaviour, malingering, personality, guidance, education, society, adjustment, evaluation, selfreport



Adolescents’ behaviour is determined by physical, psychological and social factors. Educational institutions are experiencing a period of adjustment due to the new ways of relationships between adolescents and their environment. The goal of this article is to analyze the malingering during the period of adolescence. This analysis of the malingering has been done from a psychoeducational perspective. The already mentioned malingering can be considered as a strategy for social adaptation and survival. Evaluation has been done with the Adolescent Personality Questionnaire 16PF-APQ (Schuerger, 2005) and the cuestionario autoaplicado de síntomas C.A.S. in a sample of high-school students. The reliability and validity from C.A.S has been analyzed. This test has showed itself as useful instrument to assess the adolescent honesty about your psychological state. Results show that malingering group has got a higher score in every C.A.S. scales. By the other hand, this student group has indicated a major number of well-known psychological symptoms. Also, the relation between malingering and adolescent personality disorders is presented. Overall the authors present a reflection on malingering during the period of adolescence.


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How to Cite

Molina Martín, S., Inda Caro, M. de las M., & Fernández García, C. M. (2014). Lying, malingering or deception? a perspective from adolescence. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(1), 109–120.



Research studies