Analysis of influential factors in a school environment with violence and coexistence difficulties


  • Carmen Carpio de los Pinos Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Jesús Manuel Tejero González Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Victoriana García Díaz IES Prado de Santo Domingo



classroom environment, school atmosphere, educational interaction process, violence, educational guidance



In this paper it is described influential factors such as verbal and physical aggressions, disobedience of norms and other disruptive conducts, in 89 pupils from Secondary Education with problems of coexistence. These factors make difficult to cultivate an atmosphere of peace in daily life of schools, as well as complicate the achievement of targets for learning. We evaluate characteristics that might influence the spring up negative attitudes and behaviours and even its maintenance. Tests are applied to asses school climate (California School Climate and Safety Survey (CSCSS) from Furlong et al., (1991, adapted by Infante, et al, 2003), attitudes of coexistence (Questionnaire of Attitudes towards Diversity and Violence (CADV), Diaz-Aguado et al  2004 ), interpersonal relations between different agents: among the members of the professorship, professor – pupils relationships; relationships among pupils (Convivence Questionnaire for teachers, Fernández et al., 2003) and information about pupils: school performance, study habits, free time, preferences, and their families: composition, type of conjugal union, extensive family, socioeconomic aspects, cultural level, studies, family habits, relationship (sociometric test and questionnaires elaborated by the educational guidance team).  The results suggest that students' drop out can generate a negative attitude towards every aspect related to academic life, not necessary addressed to balance them at home. Violent attitudes are mainly learned from visual and digital media, with which they usually spend much time. It is necessary the intervention from the guidance department to coordinate the educational agents.


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How to Cite

Carpio de los Pinos, C., Tejero González, J. M., & García Díaz, V. (2014). Analysis of influential factors in a school environment with violence and coexistence difficulties. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 24(3), 124–134.



Experiencias de innovación y estudios breves / Innovation experiences and brief studies