France: Inadequate teacher education


  • Pierre-Louis Gauthier



teacher training, IUFM (University Institute of Teacher Education), social fractures, school equity, Republican education, écoles Normales (Teacher Colleges)


The French today school was born with the French revolution, then with the establishment of the republic. It was for a long time in a good harmony with the French nation. The school was the guarantee for equality to accede to education. Yet, since some decades, French education evolution knows ups and downs, like other countries. Especially, the teacher training system is labouring to find the structure corresponding to the real needs of the school which must answer to several cultural and social challenges. Since 1989, the teacher training structure had been concerned with three reforms of first importance. With the coming of a left government in 2012, a new reform is coming very soon. The new political power seems to have understood that change for a better education will not pass through the only teacher training system reform, but through general structural reforms. Thinking over refondation of school is engaged since September of the present year.


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How to Cite

Gauthier, P.-L. (2013). France: Inadequate teacher education. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (22), 59–71.



MONOGRÁFICO: La Formación del Profesorado en el Siglo XXI