Transit of the gaze towards “the future” of comparative education




modernism, postmodernism, postcolonialism, decoloniality, Comparative education


It is recognized that the field of comparative education needs to look towards its "the future". However, the gaze towards “the future” of comparative education seems to be spinning all over the place, dispersed, without organization. This paper tries to contribute to the organization of the gaze to determine which space is being looked at to find “the future” of comparative education, and what is possible to find in that space. This paper analyzes the transit of thought through different spaces in order to look to "the future" of comparative education, moving through a modern view, a postmodern view, a postcolonial view and a cosmopolitan view. It is identified that the modern view is an appreciative view of the historical and contemporary evolution of comparative education, and it is argued that this is a view whose certainty prevents the field of comparative education from renewing itself. With a postmodern view towards "the future" of comparative education, this paper identifies improvements in the field of comparative education in terms of the construction of a more informed version of comparative education by including the silences that the field has left in its wake, and it is argued that the postmodern view is limited and limiting because it still transmits a logic of coloniality. With the postcolonial view towards "the future" of comparative education, the analysis focuses on the space towards which the field should look for its decoloniality, and analyzes the gestures that comparativists should practice for the elimination of coloniality. The paper concludes with a cosmopolitan look at "the future" of comparative education, in a space free of coloniality. It is argued that it is in this cosmopolitan space in which "the future" of comparative education lies, which is its potential to transform through a closer approach and understanding. 


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Author Biography

María Dolores Rodríguez Gómez, UNED

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Maestría en Políticas Públicas por la Universidad de Harvard. Licenciatura en Economía por el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM. Jefe del Departamento de Idiomas del Mundo y maestra de secundaria en el American International School en Egipto en la que trabaja desde 2015. Su línea de investigación ha estado centrada en la decolonialidad de la educación y el papel del cuerpo docente en el proceso de decolonialidad del sistema educativo latinoamericano. ORCID:  Datos de contacto: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gómez, M. D. (2024). Transit of the gaze towards “the future” of comparative education. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (46), 288–301.