The “Statu quo” and Perspectives of the International Mobility Program of Chinese Students with Spanish Universities


  • Chen Xing
  • Li Zixin



International Exchange Program of students, student exchange, Chinese students of Spanish major, Spanish universities


In the context of globalization and internationalization of higher education, increasing international students’ exchange has become an important strategy for countries to participate in international development competition. The exchanges between international universities are enormously strengthened, among which the student exchange program is one of the most important forms of cooperation. What’s more, students of foreign language universities have always been particularly active in these intercultural exchanges due to their special academic nature. This article takes Chinese students of Spanish major as an example to illustrate the current situation of Chinese students in the exchange programs with Spanish universities. This paper uses various research methods such as surveys, questionnaires and SPSS Statistics, with the aim of reviewing the problems existing in the current exchange programs and analyzing the relations between some certain variables, which helps us put forward corresponding measures and suggestions for further development and look into a broader and richer future of the exchanges and cooperation between universities worldwide in the new situation.


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Author Biographies

Chen Xing

Profesor titular del Departamento de Filología Hispánica de la Universidad de Estudios Extranjeros de Guangdong, Guangzhou, República Popular China y doctorando del Centro de Literatura y Cultura Extranjeras de la misma universidad. Está especializado en la comunicación intercultural y pedagogía.

Li Zixin

Estudiante del Departamento de Filología Hispánica de la Universidad de Estudios Extranjeros de Guangdong, Guangzhou, República Popular China.


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How to Cite

Xing, C., & Zixin, L. (2019). The “Statu quo” and Perspectives of the International Mobility Program of Chinese Students with Spanish Universities. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (34), 196–210.