Governance of the Spanish dual vocational training: between the lack of coordination and the lack of objectives


  • Pablo Sanz de Miguel Notus, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



dual vocational training, governance, Spain, legal framework consistency, participation, agency rationality


Spain is currently developing a dual Vocational Education Training (VET), which is represented as an attractive political option to improve the transition of young people into the employment system and adapt their competences to the employers’ demands. In this context, attention should be drawn to the issue of its governance structures. Governance structures ensure the efficiency and success of dual VET systems that require the coordination of activities of collective actors and the closer involvement of some agents such as companies. This article provides some analytical dimensions to understand and classify dual VET systems. Then it analyses through these dimensions the emergent dual VET system of Spain, which is compared with the cases of Denmark and Germany. It is, however, an asymmetric comparison, because Denmark and Germany are used as contrasting cases with the Spanish case, which is analysed more extensively through a normative analysis and a filed work based on focus groups. The article shows that there is room for improvement for the emerging Spanish dual vocational training system. It would require a more coherent and consistent legal framework, a substantial improvement in terms of coordination of the different administrations and actors involved, a reinforced role of employees’ representatives and more precise definition of goals to be attained.


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Author Biography

Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Notus, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Investigador en Notus y profesor asociado en en el Departametno de Sociología de la UAB


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How to Cite

Sanz de Miguel, P. (2017). Governance of the Spanish dual vocational training: between the lack of coordination and the lack of objectives. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (30), 77–98.

