Lights and shadows in university students' perceptions of inclusion and diversity




inclusion, access to education, student diversity, equal education, higher education


The ongoing increase in the number of students with barriers to presence, participation and learning who attend universities around the world requires reflection on the policies, cultures and practices that promote or hinder it. This mixed research, predominantly qualitative, aims to analyses these three elements from the perspective of students in the Galician University System. It is developed in three stages: a first quantitative stage, in which data is collected through a questionnaire applied to 296 students of Early Childhood Education (n = 132), Primary (n = 100), Social (n = 35) and Speech Therapy (n = 30); a second qualitative stage, in which the responses of 174 students (130 students of Primary Education and 44 of Early Childhood Education) are analyzed in an online discussion forum; and a final qualitative stage, through semi-structured interviews and elaboration of mind maps with a group of six students. The results showed the cross-analysis of the qualitative discourse and the quantitative assessments of the students, which allowed the elaboration of a mind map that reflects the facilitators (space for support, help and attention; fellowship and socialization; pedagogical, psychological and emotional support from the teacher; respectfulness and maturity) and barriers to inclusion at university (overcrowded classrooms; lack of individualization and adaptation of teaching; multitasking profile of the teacher; poorly adapted facilities). In conclusion, the historical and social evolution of inclusion generates diverse narratives and expectations that require a joint action of listening and responding to questions to understand and accept diversity. It is not a matter of approaching inclusion through policies that are distant from educational cultures and practices. Including learners with major diversities in classrooms is a major step forward, but it should not be hidden that inclusion is a process that affects the whole of society.


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