Global Citizenship Education at a Local Level: A Comparative Analysis of Four U.S. Urban Districts



Mots-clés :

Education Policy, Globalization, Global Citizenship, Local Level, Urban Area, United States


This paper focuses on exploring how education for global citizenship and competence is being defined and practiced within the U.S. education policy landscape, with a specific focus on the local primary and secondary school level. Against a framework of the multiple conceptions and forms of global citizenship education, including “at home,” “abroad,” and “comprehensive” approaches, the paper explores some select ways in which global citizenship education is developing in select local initiatives. We specifically examine the definitions and practices of global citizenship education in four urban school districts: Boston, Chicago, Seattle, and Washington, DC. Findings show a focus on global citizenship and global competency in local initiatives, but also illustrate multiple approaches to global citizenship education, revealing diverse system ecologies within the national system. 


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Laura C. Engel, George Washington University

Laura C. Engel is an assistant professor of international education and international affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA, where she serves as Director of the International Education Program. Her research examines globalization, citizenship, and education policy in federal systems with a focus on the policy uses of international assessments in national and sub-national systems and the contribution of education to global citizenship and social cohesion. She holds a PhD in Education Policy Studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Jessica Fundalinski, George Washington University

Jessica Fundalinski is a graduate student at the George Washington University in the International Education MA program and a current public school teacher in Northern Virginia.  Her interests include equity in globalization initiatives for primary and secondary schools and fostering digital citizenship in students.  

Tess Cannon, George Washington University

Tess Cannon is Program Coordinator for Partnerships and International Relations in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development at The George Washington University. Her research interests include global education, international curriculum integration and program evaluation. Tess earned a Master's in International Education at the George Washington University in 2016. 




Comment citer

Engel, L. C., Fundalinski, J., & Cannon, T. (2016). Global Citizenship Education at a Local Level: A Comparative Analysis of Four U.S. Urban Districts. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (28), 23–51.



MONOGRÁFICO: Educación para la ciudadanía global