Editorial: Gender Equality Policies in Higher Education. Atlantic and African universities





Equality Policies, Gender, Africa, Americas, Canary Islands


This monograph presents a line of research focused on gender inequalities in higher education. Emerging in the last three decades of the 20th century, this approach has progressively developed conceptual tools, practices and debates that show a great diversity in different contexts.


Gender policies in higher education have been nourished by the achievements and demands of feminism, which have been set out in international conventions, agreements or pronouncements. The research and experiences presented here focus on territories peripheral to the Western sphere, where debates emerge from postcolonial feminism and, therefore, from the intersections between gender and other categories of the social.

The articles, focused on African, Atlantic Island and Latin American universities, constitute a relevant and original contribution from the perspective of gender equality and cultural diversity.


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Author Biographies

Inmaculada González Pérez, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctor in Pedagogy with the thesis titled International Educational Cooperation in the face of cultural rebellion. Prior to her duties as a professor at the University of La Laguna, she worked for several years as an international expert for the ILO and the AECID in Latin America. His research focuses on university development cooperation as well as the development of policies favorable to equality and interculturality

Carmen Ascanio Sánchez, Universidad de La Laguna

Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of La Laguna. Research lines: migrations, gender, cultural identities/heritages, development cooperation policies, and qualitative methodologies. Coordinates the consolidated GI Migrations, gender and identities. Policy analysis and evaluation; He directs the Cultural Chair Globalization, Migrations and New Citizenships (ULL).  The projects carried out have focused on Latin America, West Africa and the Canary Islands

Sara García Cuesta

Professor of Sociology at UVA. His research is related to the analysis of public policies related to sociodemographic phenomena such as fertility and migration, with a focus on Human Rights; as well as educational and labor challenges in the implementation of equality policies. Her recent research has focused on the construction of networks for the development of equality policies in universities, as well as the analysis of fertility policies in Spain.


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How to Cite

González Pérez, I., Ascanio Sánchez, C. ., & García Cuesta, S. (2024). Editorial: Gender Equality Policies in Higher Education. Atlantic and African universities. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.45.2024.41641