Pornography vs coeducation: a necessary approach to the increase in pornographic consumption in adolescents and young people




Coeducation, pornography, sexual violence, youth, adolescents


With the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in recent years the consumption of pornography has increased considerably both in Spain and globally. Its ease of access, the mostly free content it offers, the unlimited nature of its contents and other characteristics make it available to anyone with a simple internet search. The adolescent and young population is exposed to this content and in fact several studies have indicated that minors begin to consume pornography at increasingly younger ages, specifying that it is men who consume more than women, as well as doing so more frequently. Given the lack of affective and sexual education, young people and adolescents are socialized in this content, which has an impact on their sexual attitudes. In addition, several studies have indicated that pornography videos show both physical and verbal aggression towards women. The increase in the consumption of pornography 2.0, together with this deficit of affective-sexual education, are two of the greatest threats to the principle of equality, which is why a response based on coeducational policies is necessary to eradicate the sexism transmitted by pornography


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Author Biographies

Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino, Departamento de Sociología y Antropología. Universidad de La Laguna.

Professor of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
at the University of La Laguna. PhD in Sociology and Degree in Political Science and Sociology
and Diploma in Social Work. Director of the Sexual Violence Research Group (VIOSEX),
member of the International Academic Network for the Study of Pornography and
Prostitution (RAIEPP) and member of the University Institute of Women's Studies (IUEM).
Contact information: E-mail:

Cristian Díaz Hernández, Departamento de Sociología y Antropología. Universidad de La Laguna.

 FPI Predoctoral Researcher in the area of sociology at the Department
of Sociology and Anthropology, University of La Laguna. Graduate in Social Work and Master in
Gender Studies and Equality Policies. Member of the research group Sexual Violence (VIOSEX)
and member of the University Institute of Women's Studies (IUEM). Contact information: E-

Alba Cabrera Meneses, Departamento de Sociología y Antropología. Universidad de La Laguna.

 FPU Predoctoral Researcher in the area of sociology at the Department
of Sociology and Anthropology, University of La Laguna. Graduate in Sociology and Master in
Gender Studies and Equality Policies. Member of the research group Sexual Violence (VIOSEX).
Contact information: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Torrado Martín-Palomino, E., Díaz Hernández, C., & Cabrera Meneses, A. (2024). Pornography vs coeducation: a necessary approach to the increase in pornographic consumption in adolescents and young people. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 209–227.