Minority languages and language planning in the education systems of Spain, France and Latvia





education system, minority language, language planning, linguistic rights



The presence of minority languages in education systems is linked to the socio-political and cultural context in which they are situated. It is, therefore, necessary to question what position they occupy in relation to the state languages and how they coexist, usually hierarchized, in public spheres of use. By applying a specific methodology for comparative education in four phases: description, interpretation, juxtaposition and comparison, we can determine whether the language planning models adopted in the chosen units of comparison are committed to linguistic ecologism. Adequate language organization in contexts characterized by language contact is essential if we consider that the majority language dominates the input in public spheres of use and, therefore, the possibility of access to valid linguistic models other than those of the languages of power is diminished. This is why it is necessary to investigate the linguistic planning of these languages in education, as it is fundamental to balance this situation. Thus, we have carried out a comparative analysis of the educational systems of the territories with their own languages in Spain, France and Latvia to find out whether these programmes provide an effective response to the needs of the students: the development of communicative skills, as a central axis for the construction of learning, and the guarantee of linguistic rights, as human rights of minorities in bilingual coordinates.



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Author Biography

ANNA LAURA DÍAZ IGLESIAS, Universitat de València


ANNA LAURA DÍAZ IGLESIAS: Graduate in Catalan Philology (Universitat de València), Master's degree in Language Consultancy and Literary Culture (Universitat de València), Master's degree in Teacher Training (Universidad Católica de València) and Master's degree in Policy, Management and Direction of Educational Organisations (Universitat de València). She has taught Catalan Language, Linguistics for Teachers, and Development of Communicative Skills in Multilingual Contexts on the Bachelor's Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education (Florida Universitària and Universitat Jaume I) and Advertising and Public Relations (Universitat Jaume I). She is currently a civil servant of the Generalitat Valenciana and a doctoral student in Education in the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education at the Universitat de València. Her main lines of work and research are Didactics of language and literature and the study of minority languages in educational systems.


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1. Fuentes normativas

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How to Cite

DÍAZ IGLESIAS, A. L. (2023). Minority languages and language planning in the education systems of Spain, France and Latvia. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (44), 384–398. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.44.2024.37371