A Tale of Two Countries: Higher Distance Educación in Mexico and the United States of America


  • Pedro Cookson Steele Secretary of Contents, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
  • Nancy Domínguez González Universidad Veracruzana




Open University, Participation of students, Quality of education Programs of Open University, Government policy


This article presents a summary of the panorama of higher distance education in the two neighboring countries of North America of Mexico and the United States. The first part addresses the different forms of distance education offered by Mexican universities – how, as they have evolved, they have faced such challenges as evaluation, accreditation, and served as an alternative route to social mobility, thus benefitting a society undergoing development. The second section addresses higher distance education in the United States, recounting the historical background and the different forms of distance education offer. We review the findings of national studies of higher distance education published from 2005 to 2015. In addition to commenting on some indicators of distance education as a professional field of practice of distance education, we discussed the responses institutions and professional associations have responded to the interpretation of the federal government’s Department of Education's rules on delivery of distance education courses and programs across state lines.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Cookson Steele, Secretary of Contents, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

Consultor con la empresa educativa Adelante Online. Anteriormente desempeñaba funciones de director de cursos en línea en una universidad pública del estado de Delaware, Estados Unidos, director académico del Instituto Consorcio Clavijero en Xalapa, Veracruz, México y vice-presidente académico asociado con la Universidad de Athabasca, Alberta, Canadá. Ha sido editor fundador de la revista International Review of Research in Open and Distance Educación (www.irrodl.org).

Nancy Domínguez González, Universidad Veracruzana

Docente en la Universidad Veracruzana donde coordina el Laboratorio Multimedia de la Desarrollo Biolögico Agropecuaria Xalapa y en la Universidad DAVici es diseñadora instruccional, docente y fue coordinadora de la Maestría en Tecnología Educativa Virtual. Desarrolla investigación en educación a distancia, educación en línea y sobre procesos de incorporación de TICSs en la docencia, la investigación y la vinculación.



How to Cite

Cookson Steele, P., & Domínguez González, N. (2015). A Tale of Two Countries: Higher Distance Educación in Mexico and the United States of America. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (26), 61–96. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.26.2015.15811



MONOGRAPHIC SECTION: Distance Education, the University Perspective in a Network Society