An overview of the social image of Vocational Education: a path towards its appreciation


  • Enrique García Jiménez Centro de Magisterio “La Inmaculada”. Universidad de Granada.
  • Rocío Lorente García Universidad de Jaén



Vocational Education, Social Perception, Educational Policy




Historically, Vocational Education in Spain has suffered a situation of political oversight that, unlike other industrialized countries, it has been conferred a social discredit that is reflected in the lower levels of enrollment in these teachings, traditionally considered "second class" in comparison to university studies. While it is true, it has been developed in recent decades political initiatives to prestige Vocational Education. We point out, hence, what these initiatives are and characteristics of these teachings which, together with the current economic and social situation have helped to positively transform their social image and, therefore, have contributed to a significant increase in enrollment. Also, in this paper the results of an investigation is presented that allow to think that this evolution of the social image of Vocational Educationis perceived by teachers that, as we shall see, consider that it has made good progress in the dignity of these teachings.


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Author Biographies

Enrique García Jiménez, Centro de Magisterio “La Inmaculada”. Universidad de Granada.

Profesor en el Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Centro de Magisterio “La Inmaculada”. Universidad de Granada.

Rocío Lorente García, Universidad de Jaén

Profesora del Departamento de Pedagogía. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Jaén.



How to Cite

García Jiménez, E., & Lorente García, R. (2015). An overview of the social image of Vocational Education: a path towards its appreciation. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (26), 119–134.