Traveller, there is no way… : the Spanish Comparative Education Society, 1998-2002


  • Amalia Ayala



comparative education, universities, scientific meetings, academic journals, professorships of comparative education


Angel González Fernández was the President of Spanish Comparative Education Society from 27th of March 1998 to 23rd of November 2002. This time was marked by the death of two parents of Comparative Education, professors Mr. Juan Tusquets and Mr. Ricardo Marin. His experience with University Political Management made professor Gonzalez implicated during this time, assuming personally the responsibility of the Society Bulletin and many other activities, like Science Journeys of Comparative Education or the 7th National Congress of Comparative Education. Professor Gonzalez’s being, a dialog, respectful and open one, resulted very important to start first steps to implicate on the activities of Spanish Society of Comparative Education the different traditions of Comparative Education in Spain, having as one of its results the modification of the Society Statutes. He also was the first chair of comparative education to be the president of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education, marking this way the beginning of a tradition which already talks about the specific weight of this discipline at those national university contexts which have been posting time by time up to this profile for their Chairs.




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How to Cite

Ayala, A. (2014). Traveller, there is no way… : the Spanish Comparative Education Society, 1998-2002. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (24), 55–70.



MONOGRÁFICO: La SEEC en su aniversario