Comparative analysis of the model and organization of career guidance services in the European context


  • Consuelo Vélaz-de-Medrano Ureta
  • Ana González-Benito
  • Andrea Otero-Mayer



Basic Education, Guidance Counselor, Educational Guidance, Career Guidance, Educational Policy


As a result of the European integration process, common trends in the objectives and actions of guidance services have been promoted and achieved, always respecting the differential aspects of each territory. This paper aims to analyze the intervention model and the organization of vocational guidance services in the European context at the educational levels prior to Higher Education. For this purpose, a survey is used as a technique for collecting information by applying an ad hoc questionnaire to the heads of educational administrations in 11 member countries through the national units of the Eurydice network.  The main results are that the educational model predominates in compulsory education and that it is carried out by teachers in collaboration with the school counselor. It also highlights that the presence of guidance specialists is greater as the educational stage progresses. In half of the countries, guidance counselors have specialized initial training, with insufficient coordination between guidance professionals in the school and work environments. Consequently, greater initial specialization and increased collaboration between all the agents involved in guidance within and outside the school seem to be necessary.


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How to Cite

Vélaz-de-Medrano Ureta, C., González-Benito, A., & Otero-Mayer, A. (2023). Comparative analysis of the model and organization of career guidance services in the European context . REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 34(2), 29–46.



Research studies