Like implying to educational equipment in the guidance process. An example of overcoming of the approach of services


  • Mercè Jariot Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



guidance, evaluation



We trie to understand and explain a process of intervention in guidance to be able to formulate what would be the conditions and strategies that the educative centres have to follow in order to take part in an orientation process. We showed preference for the performance of an evaluative investigation with formative character, the complementariedad methodological and an open process of investigation. To analyse all the information the triangulation was used between methods and intra methods. Collected information of all the town of professorship, counselors and service and one shows of 953 students. A design was used cuasiexperimental pretest – posttest without group control. We explained the followed formative process. The main results show that it has been managed to include the guidance in the classroom and that acquires a procedural character, evolutionary and preventive. It requires, among other things, implication and time on the part of all the human equipment of the centre, changes in the roll of the guidance, an internal process of formation for the teaching staff.


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How to Cite

Jariot, M. (2014). Like implying to educational equipment in the guidance process. An example of overcoming of the approach of services. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(1), 45–58.



Research studies