Analysis of high school students’ life project
life project, gender, secondary education, high school, vocational trainingAbstract
This article discusses personal, academic and professional goals of students in Secondary Education and Vocational Training from a gender perspective. Specifically we analyze the differences by education level and sex in the clarity of their life project and goals that are prioritized by them. A total of 171 students from third and fourth year of secondary education in a high and vocational training school of Tenerife (Canary Islands) participated in the research project "The Academic and Professional Transition of Young People", which was financed with public funds. The research group GIOES designed the Academic and Labor Guidance Questionnaire that includes three scales: 1) beliefs about gender and career development, 2) personal life project and 3) clarity of life project. The analysis of the goals of students shows significant differences by gender and educational levels. Counselors and tutors must jointly review and reflectdeeply on the life projects of boys and girls in order to build guidance programs from a non-sexist view. It is necessary to design and implement a curriculum that, beyond knowledge, allows young people to build their life projects adjusted to their skills and their employment situation.