Educational policy, educational testing, high stakes tests, accountability.Agencies:
Universidad Autónoma de MadridAbstract
The aim of this paper is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of highstakes examinations in the view of Primary and Secondary school teachers in Spain. For that purpose, we have analyzed the answers to two open questions from a larger survey designed to determine the teachers’ opinions on these strengths and weaknesses. Out of the total sample, we have selected 1,607 responses corresponding to five Autonomous Communities or regions, distributed as follows: 321 from Andalusia, 445 from Catalonia, 239 from Galicia, 491 from Madrid and 111 from the Basque Country. The questionnaire was applied between November 2013 and May 2014. Its administration began shortly before the new Organic Law for the Improvement of Quality in Education (LOMCE) was passed, although the debate around it had already been taking place for at least a year in the educative community, an important trait of the context in which the survey was carried out. Responses were coded and categorized applying an inductive-deductive process with this sequence: I.Source of information; II. Emerging codes; III. Categories; and IV. Dimensions.
The information has been treated according to the following variables:
(a) Autonomous Communities; (b) education stage (Primary Education
and Compulsory Secondary Education); and (c) main role undertaken by
respondents at the school (members of the school managing team vs. the rest of the teachers). Results show that by and large there are more references to weaknesses than to strengths. Also, the diagnostic function of tests and their decontextualisation stand out as the most frequent strength and weakness respectively. The analysis reveals significant differences between autonomous communities and also, in some cases, differences depending on the role undertaken by respondents.
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