The college entrance exams. A comparison between autonomous communities
Achievement, external testing, access to university, second language, English languageAgencies:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Banco SantanderAbstract
The system university access in Spain is a social issue of interest. This study aims to compare the Foreign Language-English tests of the 17 Autonomous Communities that give access to university in Spain. The purpose is to reflect on the possible influence of the differences in the design of the tests on the average performance obtained by those examined, depending on the Autonomous Community to which they belong. To this end, a non-experimental and transversal design of a descriptive and comparative nature is proposed. On the one hand, the structure of 68 examinations, corresponding to models A and B of the 2017 initial and secondary rounds, is studied by means of a descriptive-analytical analysis based on a comparative methodology adapting the approach proposed by García-Garrido (1991). On the other hand, information is collected on the average scores obtained by the candidates in the tests, and their possible relationship with the structure of the tests by Autonomous Community is analysed, thanks to the data published annually by the Integrated University Information System. The results show differences in the assessment of language skills. For example, Speaking is not assessed in any autonomous community and Listening is only assessed in Galicia and Catalonia. Likewise, there are disparities in the weight of each content block within the test, in the format of the items and in the average mark obtained by the candidates in each of the Autonomous Communities. It is concluded that it cannot be ruled out that the current system of assessing linguistic competence in Foreign Languages-English is producing important imbalances and inequalities associated with the Autonomous Community of origin.
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