Escape rooms in social science initial teacher training: assessment and educational potential
escape room, initial teacher training, higher education, social studies didactics, history education, gamificationAbstract
The use of escape rooms in educational contexts, and particularly in initial teacher training, can offer new opportunities to address disciplines such as the ones that are part of the social sciences. This research details the design and implementation of an educational escape room focused on history education that was put into practice with a total of 261 prospective teachers, enrolled in diverse degrees (Masters’ Degree in Secondary Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Early-Childhood Education, and Joint Degree in Early-Childhood and Primary Education). The study examines, using a mixed-methods methodological approach, the conceptions, assessment and perspectives of the participants, regarding their experience in the implementation and about the educational potential of these resources. Results show a very positive assessment of some of the elements that were part of the design that was implemented, including the atmosphere, the trials, the time, and the historical sources that were used. At the same time, it is possible to detect that prospective teachers highlight the motivational potential and to generate learning of escape rooms, and they are receptive to implementing them in their future practice as educators. In many of the answers, the adoption of an educational perspective, usually of a spontaneous nature, is detected when addressing the use of escape rooms that makes them adopt a vision of the teacher that develops and puts into practice this activity in the classroom, although differences between degrees are found. A discussion is presented regarding the usefulness of these resources from the point of view of initial teacher training, and about the way the integration of elements can help improve the instruction of prospective educators in disciplines such as history.
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