The 'New' Norms of Education Policy in the 21st Century

Polemics, Pandemics, and ‘Cloaking’ Persistent Inequality in Education Worldwide




education policy , comparative education, inequality , globalization


El siglo XXI ha traído consigo un cambio de política en la educación a niveles que rivalizan con los esfuerzos de reforma educativa global del siglo XX, que cambiaron el paradigma, pero los mismos problemas (en diferentes formas) parecen repetirse, no obstante. La política educativa del siglo XXI, especialmente a nivel mundial y nacional, se ve obligada a reconocer y abordar los efectos de una política pandémica, polémica y populista, y del sexismo y el racismo institucionalizados. Y ha habido y seguirán existiendo cambios significativos en la política y la práctica educativa del siglo XXI en respuesta a estas crisis, pero en medio del cambio hay una notable permanencia en las ideas, las estructuras, los contenidos y la pedagogía del siglo XX incrustados también en la educación. Este artículo examina la promesa de los avances del siglo XX en la política y la práctica educativa frente a los retos y escollos de la educación del siglo XXI, tal y como se desprende de los avances educativos nacionales e internacionales.


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Author Biography

Alexander Wiseman, Texas Tech University

Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman has more than 25 years of professional experience working with government education departments, university-based teacher education programs, community-based professional development for teachers, and as a classroom teacher in both the U.S. and East Asia. Dr. Wiseman examines and informs educational policy development, leads strategic planning workshops, provides evidence-based training programs, speaks internationally and presents extensively in the areas of evidence-based decision-making, teacher preparation and professional development, strategic planning, system assessment and reform, education policy, change management, equitable educational access for girls and boys, institutional capacity building, school-to-work transition, and civic education. Dr. Wiseman's research uses large-scale education datasets on math and science education, information and communication technology (ICT), teacher preparation, professional development and curriculum as well as school principal's instructional leadership activity. He serves on the editorial board of Educational Administration Quarterly and Educational Researcher and is the author or editor of more than 100 articles, chapters, and books. He is the series editor of the volume series, International Perspectives on Education and Society, and the senior editor of the journal, FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education.




How to Cite

Wiseman, A. (2021). The ’New’ Norms of Education Policy in the 21st Century: Polemics, Pandemics, and ‘Cloaking’ Persistent Inequality in Education Worldwide. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (40), 15–34.



MONOGRAPHIC: Creativity, curiosity and new thinking in Comparative Education for the new norms of the 21st century