Teacher evaluation in European Compulsory education


  • Susana Herradas Martin Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




teacher evaluation, compulsory education, teacher competencies


The analysis of teacher evaluation constitutes a key piece in improving the teaching-learning process and teacher professional development. The European Framework has defined a line of work on teaching competencies that try to respond to the needs of today's society. What are these competences and how are they evaluated within teaching practice? Different European countries design their educational evaluation policies from different perspectives. Selected four representative examples of educational models (Central European, Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, and Southern) of them, a comparative study on teacher evaluation will be carried out, through which this article will try to answer the questions asked. In the first phase, the unit of analysis will be elaborated including the following dimensions: the nature of the evaluation, the assessment of teaching practice, teacher professional development, collection of data from the teaching evaluation, and finally the return of the evaluation results. The unit of analysis will be applied to each of the educational systems with the help the tree of parameters. There is no unified model of teacher evaluation in the four countries. In the different evaluation models analyzed, the teaching competences proposed by the European Commission are not detailed. There is a growing interest on the part of the different educational systems to implement teacher assessment as an element to achieve educational effectiveness. Of the models studied, the best results are the systems with an evaluative culture.


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Author Biography

Susana Herradas Martin, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Susana Herradas Martín directora del CPT Virgen de los Remedios de Colmenar Viejo, experiencia como Jefa de Estudios y Secretaria en equipos directivos de centros de Infantil y Primaria; maestra de Primaria especialista en Educación Física por la Universidad Complutense de la Comunidad de Madrid; Máster de Calidad y Mejora en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Herradas Martin, S. (2021). Teacher evaluation in European Compulsory education. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (39), 238–253. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.39.2021.27388