Platonic dialectics and methodology


  • Jesús Pons Dominguis Universidad de Valencia



dialectics, analogy, methodology, critique, postmodernity


The objective of this work is to apply the analogical dialectic developed by Plato as an adequate methodology to understand his thinking. In this sense, I will first address the terminological clarifications necessary to delimit the approach to the issue and pay special attention to the notion of symploké introduced by Plato and later developed by Jesus G. Maestro as one of the central hermeneutical criteria that the Critique of literature must take into account to avoid falling into the interpretative univocity or the own equivocality of postmodernity. Second, I will make a methodological approach to the reading of the dialogues of Plato in order to show the necessary articulation of the dramatic and doctrinal aspects to understand the Platonic philosophy from the notions of dialectic and analogy. From this perspective, I will present in third place the notion of dialectics in some dialogues of Plato and the use of analogy to show to what extent dialectical methodology can be the instrument capable of guiding reason in the process of ascension towards the search for truth.


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Author Biography

Jesús Pons Dominguis, Universidad de Valencia

El Dr. Jesús Pons Dominguis desarrolla su labor docente e investigadora en la disciplina de la Filosofía en la Universidad de Valencia. Entre sus escritos destacan emblemáticas obras como, muy especialmente, «Sobre la ‘locura’ de querer ser héroe y cómo jugar a serlo»; «Nietzsche y la bio (zoo) política» y, entre muchas otras, «Análisis filosófico de la distinción entre la poesía e historia en el discurso mítico».


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How to Cite

Pons Dominguis, J. (2019). Platonic dialectics and methodology. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (34), 118–132.



MONOGRAPHIC: Comparatistic and Methodology