Training as an element of social cohesion in Europe: a comparative analysis of synergies and executed resources, using a sample of operational measures (programmes) within the framework of European policies for the promotion of vocational and vocational training (VET), fight against formative and academic early leaving (ELET) and requalification
Transversal Learning and Training Programmes, Professional Insertion Programmes, Re-qualification, Engagement Training, Measures for Integrated Learning, Comparative AnalysisAgencies:
Lluis Ballester Brage, Universidad de las Illes Balears. / Pep Lluís Oliver Torelló, Universidad Illes BalearsAbstract
The implementation of the commitments agreed upon in the Europe 2020 Strategy, coupled in a transversally way, the integrated development of multiple policies and work strategies in the educational, social and professional areas. In particular, and by elocution, the commitments regarding the attainment of a modernized vocational training, aimed at labour integration, the reduction of the education and training drop-out ratios, and in turn, the integration through training, of cultural or socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Under this context, the European Council, using the different tools available for the implementation of active policies, put into operation different measures in place to implement and complete the agreed commitments. Within these measures, programmes of diverse nature were applied that in some way incorporated, potended and contributed to the achievement of the commitments. In order to know the synergies in the interventions and actions carried out, a sample was formed from different programmes implemented during the last years, using different resources, that allowed to establish the orientation of the executed actions and the degree of weight and representation of the different variables that intervene in the analysis. The comparative analysis of the proposed indicators allowed to establish, in addition, the classification of the interventions and thus be able to know a defined sample. The main results obtained are the weight of Vocational Education anda Training and Professional Guidance as the backbone of the programmes analyzed, among other conclusions and results.
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