Notes for a metodological construction in comparative education
comparative education, comparative method in education, secondary education, education systems, educational policyAgencies:
DGAPA, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoAbstract
This article was elaborated within the framework of the Support Program for Research and Technological Innovation Projects of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Project PAPIIT IN-402712). His approach refers to several theoretical and methodological aspects in order to point out some reflections regarding building strategies and comparative research. For this purpose, we present as a reference the use in a specific research object: secondary education in Europe and Latin America (cases of France and Brazil). Its delimitation is based on a justified selection of countries, from which it we argue that this educational cycle is configured as a unique and singular object within the framework of diversity; at the same time, this cycle is shown as a common formative space to find itself institutionalized internationally as a level of studies of basic education. In the contents of this document we include as nodal points the following: a) brief development of notes for a methodological construction of comparative cut; b) characterization of a research design to derive contrast strategies; and c) presentation of some of the most representative results of research about secondary education in France and Brazil, based on the application of the defined methodological proposal. In closing, we include a brief discussion of the process of building an ad hoc methodology.
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