Satisfaction assessment of freshmen university by "ESCLOSA" programme: a guidance programme experience


  • Carmen María Hernández Garre Universidad de Almería
  • María Dolores López Justicia Universidad de Granada
  • Eva María Olmedo Moreno Universidad de Granada



university students, guidance, academic adjustment, academic success, dropout



Academic adjustment of novel students in university level involve a complex process with demanded requirements on several scenes, being needed a High Education Guidance that ensure attention to different aspects both academic and socio personal of students. Realizing there these potential needs at the beginning of his academic career. Should be a priority for universities, because they are linked to the student´s academic performance and their retention at institutions. This paper shows a summarized development of a guidance programme and psycho-pedagogical intervention to facilitate the initial adjustment of these students. The main aim was related to train, guide and qualify about academic skills (reading comprehension, spelling, habits, study techniques and self-regulation) and socio-personal or social skills to students group of Bachelor to become Kindergarten Teachers, enrolled in the Faculty of Education at University of Granada. Having analyzed previously needs related to all those variables  published in studies by López–Justicia, Hernandez , Jiménez , Polo y Chacón (2008) and López- Justicia , Hernández , Jiménez , Polo, Chacón y González ( 2008). The programme was organized around different workshops from a theoretical and practical structure. The assessment outcomes shows that activities have been interesting and useful for users, having stressed its importance for their training and refreshing of topics proposed.


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How to Cite

Hernández Garre, C. M., López Justicia, M. D., & Olmedo Moreno, E. M. (2015). Satisfaction assessment of freshmen university by "ESCLOSA" programme: a guidance programme experience. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 26(2), 123–135.



Experiencias de innovación y estudios breves / Innovation experiences and brief studies