Career guidance in professional training systems


  • Clara Sanz López Dirección General de Formación Profesional -MEC



career guidance, vocational education and training / VET, transitions, vocational competences / skills, training and vocational pathways, career management skills



The article is based on a documentary and bibliographical review of the relation that has to be established between guidance and vocational training. A fundamental line of action is to strengthen support mechanisms to increase the opportunities of access to vocational education and training and to jobs. This can be done by means of career guidance, not just for the short term (reintegration into the workplace), but for the medium and long term as well. Thus far, career guidance has clearly received less attention in vocational education and training than in general academic studies. It is assumed that decisions about training and vocational pathways have already been taken by the time a person embarks on VET. The reflection tries to respond to a series of questions:  Do counselling practices implemented at the moment of choosing a path uphold the criteria of equity and equal opportunities, or do they help assign students to pathways according to narrow criteria and reinforce the marginalisation of vocational options?  What is the “rightful place” of career education in connection with vocational and educational training?  What contents should career guidance focus on at different points in the process (before VET studies are chosen, during VET studies, at the end of vocational training)?  What are the initial and/or continuing education and training needs of guidance practitioners in order to provide quality in the realm of VET?  Can any specific guidance action be identified that can shorten the transitions between training and work?


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How to Cite

Sanz López, C. (2014). Career guidance in professional training systems. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(3), 643–652.



Research studies