The process of vocational guidance in Secondary Schools. The case of Cordoba


  • María de los Ángeles Olivares García Universidad de Córdoba
  • Carlota de León y Huertas Universidad de Córdoba
  • Pilar Gutiérrez Arenas Universidad de Córdoba



vocational guidance, personal guidance, vocational interest, decision making, secondary education, department of counselling, counsellor roles, school community, education system, school-work transition



Educational orientation is assumed as part of the set of factors that promote the quality of teaching and is one of the principles that must meet the educational activity. The institutionalization of the orientation posed by the presence of new professionals in the educational context, and these professionals for guidance, are conceived as agents of innovation and improving the quality of the educational intervention, which posits that teaching and counseling at the same educational intervention. Throughout the past three years, under the R & D Project "The compulsory school-work transition: The Guidance Department of the IES and the employment of students who leave school after Secondary Education (ESO), a research group at the University of Cordoba discusses the priorities of educational guidance in secondary schools, the work of counselors in the field of academic and professional orientation and perception of the outgoing students about the information received at their centers. Exploring the views of the student survey, and the mood and activities of its practitioners and guide through qualitative interviews reveal that the trajectories of transition and school work are heavily dependent on the economic, social and cultural origin. Vocations, attitudes and expectations about their future academic work and are built in a web of social relations with which we must rely on and that we must act.


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How to Cite

Olivares García, M. de los Ángeles, de León y Huertas, C., & Gutiérrez Arenas, P. (2014). The process of vocational guidance in Secondary Schools. The case of Cordoba. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(1), 81–92.



Research studies