The emotional competences in the job finding proces


  • Nuria Pérez Escoda Universidad de Barcelona
  • Anna Ribera Cos Ayuntamiento de Igualada



career guidance, emotional competences inventory, emotional competences, emotional education



This paper presents a study based on the evaluation and later development of the emotional competences in career guidance processes for jobseekers. This study has been carried out within research framework done by the Center IG-NOVA Ocupació of the council of Igualada and the GROP (Grup de Recerca in Orientació Psicopedagògica) (Group of Research in Psychopedagogic Guidance) of the University of Barcelona. This study shows how knowledge and development of emotional competences allow to more effectively face the processes involved in job seeking. The (QDE-R) inventory was used to evaluate emotional competences in a group of 46 unemployed adults with a lower to middle level of education. All 46 jobseekers were registered within the local unemployment agency. The QDE-R measures five dimensions of the emotional competences: emotional conscience, emotional regulation, emotional autonomy, social skills, lifelong-learning skills and well-being. The results provided with an outline to support the abovementioned jobseekers group. Such jobseekers support was provided for both individuals and the whole group. Whenever individual support was provided, the focus was on those skills more likely to be developed by the individual. At the same time, there was also a strong emphasis to enhance those previously existing skills in order to help individuals in their job-seeking process. The average score of the group can provide with what dimensions must be prioritized when designing a group development program.


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How to Cite

Pérez Escoda, N., & Ribera Cos, A. (2014). The emotional competences in the job finding proces. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 20(3), 251–256.



Research studies