Social partners’ involvement in the systemic governance of dual vocational training: comparative analysis of Andalusia, Catalonia and the Basque Country




dual VET, systemic governance, social partners, Autonomous Communities, skill formation regimes


Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) has been implemented or is in the process of being implemented in a wide range of countries in southern and eastern Europe, with different traditions and forms of VET compared to the dual tradition originating in certain northern European countries. In the Spanish context, the European political objective of the North-South export of dual vocational training has been the subject of various studies that have illustrated the contradictions and difficulties inherent in this process. However, the question of the integration of the social partners, despite being a key aspect of the dual VET reference models, has not been the subject of specific research. This article, based on a European research project, aims to fill this gap in Spanish research on dual VET. It aims to analyse, firstly, the participation of social partners in the main state institutions of dual VET governance and, secondly, to compare the participation of social partners within the existing governance structures in three Autonomous Communities (Andalusia, Catalonia and the Basque Country). To address this objective, the article is based on the conceptual approach of systemic governance and a qualitative methodological approach that combines a documentary review with fieldwork using semi-structured interviews and an analysis procedure based on coding. The results reveal differences in the type of social partners’ involvement in the three Autonomous Communities.


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Author Biography

Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Universidad de Zaragoza

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).  Profesor Ayudante Doctor en el área de sociología de la Universidad de Zaragoza


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How to Cite

Sanz de Miguel, P., & Serra Pardo, J. A. (2024). Social partners’ involvement in the systemic governance of dual vocational training: comparative analysis of Andalusia, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 245–267.