Training of emotional intelligence in the context of sales education


  • Marta Estrada Guillén Universidad Jaume I
  • Diego Monferrer Tirado Universidad Jaume I
  • Miguel Angel Moliner Tena Univesidad Jaumen I



emotional intelligence, sale, university, teaching innovation, academic performance



The new teaching approach raised by the European Space of Higher Education puts the emphasis on the need to form the students not only in the assumption of those of specific competitions (proper of every subject) but also in the transverse competitions (which main target is the integral formation of the person and its personal growth). In this sense the integral formation of the individual supposes the development of competent subjects emotionally and not only cognitively. This work describes a teaching initiative carried out in the subject Skills of Sales.  The target, ultimately, is to form competent pupils skill and emotionally, capable of facing the challenges that the current sale supposes. Simultaneously with the development of theoretical and practical classes four phases for the training of emotional intelligence of students are developed. In order to assess the evolution experienced by students about their emotional intelligence it is provided to students TMMS-24 questionnaire at the beginning and end of the course. The analysis of data is performed through the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results are proof of the effectiveness of actions and measures around this educational experience. This work is in line with those educational streams that support the need to introduce methods to develop emotional skills in order to simultaneously train competent socially and emotionally healthy citizens professionals.


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How to Cite

Estrada Guillén, M., Monferrer Tirado, D., & Moliner Tena, M. A. (2016). Training of emotional intelligence in the context of sales education. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 27(2), 62–79.



Research studies