Validation of an observation record to analyze if the interacions that occur in the interactive groups of learning communities, are successful


  • Álvaro Galafat-Hurtado El Ejido (Almería)
  • Noelia Rute-Vega Granada
  • Eva Aguaded-Ramírez Universidad de Granada
  • Javier Carrillo-Rosúa Universidad de Granada



learning communities, interactive groups, peer interactions, successful interactions, validation study


Proyecto sin subvención, pertenece a la aplicación de Comunidades de Aprendizaje en los centros educativos andaluces, para el curso escolar 2014-2015, en la RESOLUCIÓN de 10 de junio de 2014 de la Dirección General de Participación y Equidad



This paper consists in a validation of an observation record, for interactive groups in Learning Communities. The aim of the observation record is to analyze, up to what extent, the interactions that occur in the interactive groups are successful. Learning Communities is a project, which includes: interactions and participation of the school community. This project is made up of several interventions, one is Interactive groups are heterogeneous groups of students, working on the same activity and coordinated by a volunteer. The validation include: a review of the literature and an expert panel implementation, with the participation of 16 experts, they were participating in the Plan Learning Community Volunteer at theUniversityofGranada. The methodology is based on a transversal designed. The results showed the instrument as valid. The data were analyzed by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient and analysis of variance, obtaining high significance. Finally, the items of an observation record and other research were connected to demonstrate consistency. In addition, there are a series of advices for using the observation record in practice, as well as suggestion for line of research in the future.


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How to Cite

Galafat-Hurtado, Álvaro, Rute-Vega, N., Aguaded-Ramírez, E., & Carrillo-Rosúa, J. (2016). Validation of an observation record to analyze if the interacions that occur in the interactive groups of learning communities, are successful. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 27(1), 83–98.



Research studies