Descriptive study of a university counseling model


  • Núria Farriols Hernando Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Anna Vilaregut Puigdesens Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Carolina Palma Sevillano Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Pilar Dotras Ruscalleda Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Montserrat Llinares-Fité Universitat Ramón Llull
  • Carla Dalmau-Jordá Universitat Ramón Llull



counseling service, university student, diversity, health promotion



This study aims at describing the most relevant variables concerning the intervention carried out in the Personal Counseling Service at Faculty of Psicologia i Ciencies de l’Educació Blanquerna since 1997, and conducting a detailed analysis of the last two academic years in order to get to know the current situation. This is a descriptive and inferential cross-sectional study, with participation of 1,528 university students that have been attended to in the last 15 years. With regard to the first objective, the most outstanding results are the number of follow-up visits, which were 2,368, with a total number of in-person visits of 3,896, and an average number of visits per student of 2.54. Besides, 50% of attended students were followed up via email. With regard to the second objective, concerning the results of context of demand, 47.36% were academic, whereas 31.58% were at a personal level. Regarding the reason of demand, remarkably, 33.67% of undergraduates had learning difficulties. In conclusion, the opportunity that the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) offers us and our results give support to the sense of these services in the university setting, where it is transcendent to start or keep a healthy lifestyle at an integral level, bearing in mind academic, social and personal issues.


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How to Cite

Farriols Hernando, N., Vilaregut Puigdesens, A., Palma Sevillano, C., Dotras Ruscalleda, P., Llinares-Fité, M., & Dalmau-Jordá, C. (2015). Descriptive study of a university counseling model. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 25(3), 106–120.



Research studies