Representation of discipline field and professional trainig about psychopedagogy in an academic context, argentine


  • Ana Clara Ventura IRICE-CONICET/UNR – Universidad de Rosario
  • Ana Borgobello IRICE-CONICET/UNR – Universidad de Rosario
  • Nadia Soledad Peralta IRICE-CONICET/UNR – Universidad de Rosario



representations, psychopedagogy, discipline field, professional training, academic training, graduate profile, survey, multidimensional data analysis (MDA), textual data analysis (TDA), SPAD statistical program



This paper explores the representations of the disciplinary field and professional training of Psychopedagogy. To achieve such aim, a questionnaire was constructed. This questionnaire was responded in an anonymous way by Psychopedagogy professors and students, between April and May 2009. This career belongs to the Rosario Academic Unit of the School of Humanities of the National University of San Martín’s (Argentine). The data analysis was carried out from a french approach of MDA – Multidimentional Data Analysis. This computer software allows a complex analysis with a simultaneous treatment of the study’s variables. The main results show the existence of three groups of subjects, grouped by the common sharing of certain representations or characteristic profiles: teachers, students of 5th year, and students of 3rd and 4th year. In relation to the disciplinary field, the three groups discussed exposed multiple conceptualizations about Psychopedagogy. Similarly, this particular feature was observed in the academic literature on the subject. Referring to the professional training, students agree that graduate academic profile is oriented mainly towards the application of tools towards the solution of learning problems. They believe that there is a predominance of Genetic Psychology in training and that most of their teachers are psychologists. The coexistence of these factors, sometimes complementary to each other, sometimes antagonic, shape a field with few conceptual boundaries that is transferred to the professional practice of psychopedagogists. Research such as the one presented here are valuable in the context of a "Psychopedagogy in the construction" without sufficient generalized consensus to recognize the assumptions that circulate and are transmitted, glimpsing underlying academic debate that allow a greater consolidation of the disciplinary field and at the same time, of the professional identity of psychopedagogist.


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How to Cite

Ventura, A. C., Borgobello, A., & Peralta, N. S. (2014). Representation of discipline field and professional trainig about psychopedagogy in an academic context, argentine. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(3), 653–668.



Research studies