Transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities, views fo professionals from school and postschool services
transition to adulthood, intellectual disability, social inclusion, educational and personal counselingAgencies:
Estudio parcialmente financiado por el MINECO a través del proyecto EDU2011-22945 (La transición a la edad adulta y vida activa de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual desde una perspectiva inclusiva)Abstract
The transition to adulthood and working life is an extremely complex process for youth with disabilities. The diagnosis of the context in which young people with intellectual disabilities develop their transition to adult life is essential to make proposals that improve social and work inclusion. This article presents a study in which Delphi method has been applied in order to obtain data on the adequacy of the services that work with young people with disabilities throughout their transition to adulthood and active life. Two panels of experts, the first one with educational professionals and the second one professionals working with afterschool services, were asked about the following topics: vision of the transition process, curricular and organizational aspects of the services, support itineraries, collaboration between professionals, family counseling, adequacy of post-school options, professional training, and service coordination. The analysis of the questionnaires allowed us to identify the main barriers perceived by experts in each of the topics and to provide basic guidelines for improving transition processes. The need for reinforcing the role of multidisciplinary teams and enhancing interdisciplinary work are some of the findings of this research.