Students at risk: how do students' perception of socio familiar characteristics condition their attitudes and behaviour in the class?




students at risk, dropout, compulsory secondary education, socio familiar characteristics, construct validity


Early school dropout is an important social issue which must be dealt with due to its negative impact on both social and personal development and owing to the high economic cost involved.  Fighting dropout is one of the European sustainable development indicators and a challenge for many schools. We present the results of the project “Students at risk”. The research has been developed in Andalusia (Spain). This community has one of the highest dropout rates (21.6% on average) compared to European data (around a 10% on average). Risk factors focusing on attitudes and behaviours and their relation with family characteristics have been analysed using quantitative methods and tools. Two scales were applied which was completed on a sample of 1426 students: the first one measures students’ perceptions about socio family characteristics; the other one focuses on the students’ perception about their own attitudes and behaviours in class. Both scales were designed following Fortin’s et al. (2006) and Lessard’s et al. (2008) research. Main results show the relevance of the family structure and values upon students’ behaviours and attitudes.  Nevertheless, family involvement is not such a strong predictor of these behaviours and mood, as we expected. Results highlight the importance of socio- family characteristics and their influence upon student’s attitudes and behaviours; furthermore, Education’s relevance in family contexts is perceived as a strong factor contributing to engagement and success.


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