Disability, special education, teacher, burnoutAbstract
This research examines the relationship between burnout andits dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal
accomplishment), and the labor characteristics of professionals who work
with people with disabilities in Cordoba. This is a prevalence, descriptive and transversal study. The sample consists of 157 professionals working in care centers and companies for people with disabilities in Cordoba.
The results showed a high level of generalized burnout. In response to
labor variables, it has been obtained that professionals with 21 years of
experience or more suffer more from burnout than those with 5 years of
experience or less. Professionals with permanent contracts in their company have higher levels of burnout than those without. Those who have spent more than 21 years in their current job suffer more burnout than the group with 5 years or less Professionals that have worked for a long time with the same company, more than 21 years, show higher levels of burnout than professionals with 5 years or less.
These results confirm previous studies (Barrera, Malagón and Sarasola,
2015), and have identified that more than half of workers have high levels of burnout. Therefore, it is crucial for the professional field of disability, for the company and also for society, this line of research should be insisted on in order to help reduce burnout in this group.
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