School effectiveness and high reading achievement of Spanish students in PISA 2018: a machine learning approach
PISA, high achievement, machine learning, school effectivenessAbstract
In the last few decades, the analysis of school effectiveness has gained increasing importance in the field of education. This current research focuses on studying the factors of school effectiveness associated with high performance in reading comprehension. The sample is comprised of Spanish students who participated in PISA 2018. The dependent variable is high performance in reading comprehension, and a total of 159 predictors related to school effectiveness have been considered. The data were analyzed using the Random Forest algorithm and binary multilevel logistic regression. Among the key findings, it is highlighted that the most important variables are process variables: enjoyment of reading and metacognition: evaluating credibility. Furthermore, the relative importance of context or input factors and process factors explains 41% and 38%, respectively, of the variance of the criterion variable. The final model (comprising both groups of factors) explains approximately 54% of reading success. In this model, the predictor that has the most significant effect is metacognition: evaluating credibility, which refers to the subject’s ability to assess the quality and credibility of a text (for example, whether the information is valid, accurate, and impartial), with its effect being roughly double that of context or input variables. Among the main conclusions, it is highlighted that it is possible to increase the scarce number of high-performing students in the Spanish context through the development of educational policies that promote a love for reading and metacognitive capacity.
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