Seeking Gramsci in the work of Brian Simon




Brian Simon;, Antonio Gramsci;, Comprehensive school, soviet psychology, Marxism


Este artigo examina os resultados da pesquisa sobre a obra e a carreira de Brian Simon (1915-2002), um dos principais historiadores da educação inglesa. Ao focar em sua forte defesa do "sistema integral" no ensino médio, que começou no final da década de 1940, o objetivo aqui é determinar em que medida há princípios gramscianos em sua concepção de educação. Além da coleção em quatro volumes de Estudos em História da Educação, a autobiografia, Uma vida na educação e outros livros do autor, a pesquisa foi baseada em documentos e escritos inéditos encontrados no Arquivo Brian Simon do Instituto de Educação/UCL. Os resultados confirmaram que a influência de Gramsci pode ser encontrada em artigos e resenhas, bem como nos cursos em que o Professor Simon esteve envolvido a partir da década de 1970.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Coutinho, Carlos Nelson. Introdução. Antonio Gramsci. Cadernos do Cárcere. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira, 1999.

Entwistle, Harold. Antonio Gramsci. Conservative schooling for a radical politics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.

Forgacs, David. “Gramsci and Marxism in Britain”, New Left Review 1, n. 176 (1989): 70-88.

Hobsbawm, Eric. “Gramsci and political theory”. Marxism Today, (July 1977): 203-212.

Hoare, Quintin; Smith, Geoffrey Nowell. Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. London, Lawrence & Wishart, 2007.

Hsiao-Yuh Ku. “Defending Comprehensive Education: Brian Simon’s response to Margaret Thatcher’s governments (1979–1990)”. British Journal of Educational Studies (2021): 1-24.

Hsiao-Yuh Ku. “Ideological Struggle in Education: Brian Simon and Comprehensive Education Movement (1946-1965)”, History of Education, Journal of the History of Education Society, v. 51:n. 2, (2022): 266-285.

Hsiao-Yuh Ku. “The crisis in education: Brian Simon’s battle for comprehensive education (1970–1979)”, Paedagogica Historica, (2022): 1-23.

Kavanagh, Matthew R. “British Communism and the Politics of Education, 1926-1968” (Doctoral Thesis. University of Manchester, 2015).

McCulloch, Gary. “A people’s history of education: Brian Simon, the British Communist Party and Studies in the History of Education, 1780-1870”. History of Education, Journal of the History of Education Society, v. 39: n. 4 (2010): 437-457.

McCulloch, Gary; Woodin, Tom. “Learning and liberal education: the case of the Simon family”. Oxford Review of Education, v. 36:2 (2010): 187-201.

Simon, Brian. A Life in Education. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998.

Simon, Brian. Does education matter? London: Lawerence & Wishart, 1985.

Simon, Brian. Intelligence, Psychology and Education: a Marxist Critique. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1971.

Simon, Brian. “Contemporary problems in educational theory”. Marxism Today, (June, 1976): 169-177.

Simon, Brian. “The IQ Controversy”. In: SIMON, Brian. Does Education Matter? London: Lawerence & Wishart, 1985.

Simon, Brian. “Marx and the crisis in education”. Marxism Today, (July, 1977): 187-201.

Simon, Brian. Intelligence, Psychology and Education: a Marxist critique. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1971.

Simon, Brian. Education and the social order: British education since 1944. v. 4. London: Lawerence & Wishart, 1991.

Simon, Roger. “Gramsci’s concept of hegemony”. Marxism Today. (March, 1977): 78- 86.

Simon, Roger. Gramsci’s Political Thought: An Introduction. London: Lawerence & Wishart, 1982.

Shock, Max. “Renewing Left-Wing Ideas in Late Twentieth-Century Britain”. Marxism Today, c. 1977-1994 (2020): 19-27.

Steele, Tom. ‘Hey Jimmy! The Legacy of Gramsci in British Cultural Politics”. New Left, New Right and Beyond (1999): 26-41.

Thom, Deborah. “Politics and the people: Brian Simon and the campaign against intelligence tests in Britain schools”. History of Education, Journal of the History of Education Society , v. 33, n. 5 (2004): 515-529.




Como Citar

BITTAR, M. (2023). Seeking Gramsci in the work of Brian Simon. Historia y Memoria de la Educación, (18), 347–380.



Historical Researches