About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal Historia y Memoria de la Educación publishes research articles, bibliographic essays, reviews and other collaborations pertaining to the realm of the History of Education.  

Manuscripts submitted to Historia y Memoria de la Educación for publication must meet the criteria regarding academic rigor, depth, originality, and specialization that are to be expected from a scientific-academic journal. They should also constitute a relevant, meaningful contribution to the field of the History of Education.  

Manuscripts submitted to Historia y Memoria de la Educación for publication must be unpublished; they may not have been published previously in any format or means (graphic or electronic). The author/s will be required to send a sworn declaration to this effect when submitting the text.

Manuscripts submitted may not simultaneously be under review for publication in another journal.  The author/s will be required to send a sworn declaration to this effect together with the text. 

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts published in the journal Historia y Memoria de la Educación will be previously peer reviewed by two external referees, in accordance with the double-blinded system.

In the case of any significant discrepancy, the editorial board will request review by a third reviewer.

The editorial board reserves the right to interpret these regulations in the case of articles that have seen partial publication, or of expanded or reduced versions of already-published material.

The editorial board will ensure that the manuscripts meet the formal requisites and that content is in keeping with the editorial policies of Historia y Memoria de la Educación. If the first evaluation is positive, the work will be submitted for subsequent evaluation by two external reviewers. If the first evaluation is negative, the article will not be considered for publication.

Upon reception of evaluations, the editorial board will take a decision regarding publication, which may include suggestions for revision of the original text. The author/s will then have a period of one month in which to submit these revisions. When significant modifications are required, the revised text will be sent again to the reviewer for definitive approval.  In the case of any significant discrepancy, the editorial staff will request a review by a third evaluator.

The author/s of works accepted for publication will be required to fill out a form ceding rights for the article’s digital dissemination

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to all of it content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work.

Proposals for monographic issues

Proposals for monographic issues should be sent to the Editorial Board and must include:

  • The name of the person or persons putting forth the proposal, the university or institution to which they belong, their professional address and an e-mail address.
  • The monographic theme along with a brief development or exposition of this theme.
  • The identities of the collaborators, the universities or institutions to which they belong, the titles of their collaborations and a summary of each one.

Journal Regulations

To download a pdf with the journal regulations appoved by the Spanish Society of History of Educaction SEDHE  click here

Article processing charges

Historia y Memoria de la Educación does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs)

Publication and Edition Ethics

Declaration of ethics and proper conduct

Historia y Memoria de la Educación adheres to the código de buenas prácticas científicas (Code of proper scientific conduct) approved by the CSIC in March 2010 and to the acuerdos de buenas prácticas (agreements on proper conduct) adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All articles published in Historia y Memoria de la Educación as well as the entire editorial process conform to the ethical principles and criteria laid out in these codes. 

The journal’s ethical posture towards scientific research, which is historical, educational and social, is comprised of three principal aspects:

First. The entire editorial staff along with its advisors and reviewers are required to respect norms of equality, respect for human rights, parity and freedom of specialized thought and criteria, maintaining their neutrality with regard to theoretical approaches in original work that are adequately defended and argued.

Second. We believe that the ethical and moral mission of the persons working with this scientific journal is that of publishing for both the scientific community and for society rigorously researched articles for the advancement of our field, works based on solid arguments and reputed sources.

Third. To achieve the above, we defend theoretical, epistemological, methodological and ethical rigor as a way to strengthen the role of science as a tool for democracy, progress and social cooperation, a science based on knowledge and proposals devoid of demagoguery and based on social facts from the historical field that we work in that are both plural and verifiable.



Fair play, ethical and transparent evaluations and editorial independence

The editorial staff is to evaluate original manuscripts solely on the basis of their academic merit – based on criteria such as the study’s importance, originality, validity and clarity – and on their relevance for the journal, independently of the race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, political philosophy, institutional affiliation or beliefs of the author/s. Decisions regarding an article’s edition and publication are not determined by any governmental policy nor by the economic interests of any other entity outside of the journal itself, whose Board of Directors has full authority over editorial content.  


The editorial staff agrees to not divulge any information about any manuscript, except to the authors themselves and to the pertinent reviewers, assessors or editors. Nor shall they divulge information about manuscripts sent to other persons beyond the author/s, reviewer/s, potential reviewer/s, editorial assessor/s or the corresponding editor, for which they will follow the stipulated procedure.  

Divulgation and conflict of interest

The editorial committee shall not use the information from a manuscript for its own research purposes without the express written consent of the author/s. Information and ideas that the editorial team obtains from handling the manuscript shall be kept in strict confidentiality. If a conflict of interest arises, members of the editorial staff shall refrain from any involvement with the manuscript of persons with whom they have a competitive or collaborative relationship; in such cases they shall recuse themselves and ask another member of the editorial team to review the manuscript.   

Decisions about publication

Editors shall ensure that all manuscript submitted are evaluated by at least two reviewers, who should be experts in the specific field dealt with in the manuscript. Editors will decide which manuscripts are to be published based on the validation of the work, its importance for research in the field, the comments received by the reviewers and whatever legal dispositions apply, keeping in mind current legislation concerning libel, authorship and plagiarism.   

Implication and cooperation in research

Editors will consult with specialists in concrete areas of research in the case of ethical issues or potential misconduct regarding a manuscript submitted or a text published, regardless of whether such misconduct is discovered at any time after publication, even if years were to pass. If such ethical misconduct proves to be founded, the journal will publish a correction of the case in question.



 Contribution to editorial decisions

 Peer reviews help the editorial staff to make editorial decisions and improve the quality of the manuscripts. They are an essential part of academic communication. AP-SMART has established that all scholars and academic personnel wishing to contribute to scientific advancement are under the obligation to carry out objective reviews.


 Any specialist required to carry out a review who cannot commit him or herself to performing the task in the agreed time frame must immediately notify the editorial staff so that they may find an alternative reviewer.  


 Any manuscript received for review is a confidential document and must be treated as such. Therefore, all individuals involved in evaluating and editing the manuscript must guarantee its confidentiality during and after the reviewing process.

 Standards of objectivity

 Reviews should be carried out in an objective manner, using clear, well-grounded arguments that allow the authors to improve their works.   

 Acknowledgement of sources.

 Where necessary, reviewers should identify any relevant published works that have not been cited. Any affirmation that constitutes an observation, derivation or argument that is informed by information from a prior publication should be accompanied by the corresponding reference.  

 Divulgation and conflicts of interest

 Any reviewer who may have conflicts of interest due to a competitive or collaborative relationship or to any kind of connection with the author/s or with companies or institutions associated with the manuscript are obliged to notify the editorial staff immediately. Editors will then arrange for an alternative reviewer to evaluate the work.

 Material contained in a manuscript that has been submitted shall not be used in any way without the express written consent of the author/s. This rule also applies to any person who has rejected the invitation to be a reviewer.  



 Norms regarding information

Authors of original research are required to present a precise description of the work carried out and of its results, together with a discussion of its relevance. The manuscript should contain enough details and references to allow for replication, while editorial opinions should be clearly identified as such. False or inaccurate declarations will be seen to constitute unethical behavior and will not be tolerated.

Access to and retention of data

Authors may be asked to provide raw data from their studies together with their manuscript for editorial review. In addition, this raw data should be readily and publicly available when possible. Authors must guarantee the accessibility of said data for a minimum of ten years after publication (preferably in an institutional data repository), while at the same time ensuring participants’ confidentiality.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors are only to submit completely original manuscripts. Any work or text from other persons must be properly cited. Published work that has been influential in the manuscript’s elaboration should also be cited. Plagiarism, which consists of passing off as one’s own work that of others, or of copying or paraphrasing substantial sections of text of another person without acknowledgement, will not be tolerated in any of its forms, as it constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.  

 Multiple, duplicate, redundant or simultaneous submissions

Manuscripts describing research that is essentially the same should not be published in more than one journal or other format. Manuscripts that have been published elsewhere will therefore not be taken into consideration for publishing. Subsequently, submitting a manuscript simultaneously to more than one journal is considered unethical and unacceptable conduct.

 Authorship of the manuscript

Only those persons who fulfil the following criteria of authorship and assume public responsibility for the contents may be considered authors: (i) They have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, obtention of data or interpretations used in the study;  (ii) Carried out a critical review of the manuscript; and (iii) Supervised and approved the final version of the document and accepted its submission for publication. All persons who have made substantial contributions to the manuscript’s elaboration (technical help, drafting and editing, general support) but who do not meet the criteria of authorship may not be listed as authors, although their names may appear, provided they have given their written consent, in the “Acknowledgements” section. The author/s must ensure that only appropriate co-authorship (as described above) is indicated in the list of authors and he/she must verify that all coauthors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript and have accepted its submission for publication.   

Divulgation and conflicts of interest

Before the definitive acceptance of an article authors must reveal, as promptly as possible, any potential conflict of interest, a measure that is generally addressed by filling out a specific form and signing a declaration upon submission of the manuscript. Examples of possible conflicts of interest that must be disclosed are those of a financial nature such as fees, educational or other types of grants, affiliations, employment, consultancies, share ownership or financial interests. All sources of financial support or funding must be disclosed, including the reference code or number of the grant.      

Acknowledgement of sources

Authors must take care to properly cite the work of other persons as well as other publications that have had an important influence on the study carried out. Information obtained privately (i.e.,from conversations, correspondence or discussions with third persons) should not be used without the express written consent of the source. Nor shall information obtained from engagement in confidential services - such as arbitration of manuscripts or grant applications – be used without the express written consent of the person or persons involved in these services.  

Peer review

Authors are required to participate in the peer review process and to meet the deadlines established by the editorial staff. In the case of a first request for “modifications needed”, authors should respond to the reviewers’ comments systematically and clearly, point by point, before resubmitting the article to the journal within the stipulated time.  

Fundamental errors in published works 

If an author discovers significant errors or imprecisions in his or her own work that has already been published, the author must notify the journal’s editorial staff immediately and help in correcting the document. This correction can take the form of an erratum or a retraction. If the editorial staff discovers the existence of a significant error or imprecision in a published work through a third person, the author of the article must respond immediately, either by correcting or retracting it or by providing pertinent evidence to the editorial staff regarding the doubts surrounding the work in question.  



Managing cases of unethical editorial conduct

In cases of presumed or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the journal’s management will take all measures necessary to clarify the situation and deal with the article in question. This may include the immediate publication of an erratum, an explanation, or, in more serious cases, the retraction of the work under consideration. Editors will take all reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles whose work evidences any sign of misconduct, and under no circumstances will they tolerate or encourage such behavior.     

Access to the journal’s content

The editorial staff commits itself to preserving the academic research and guaranteeing the accessibility of its contents by maintaining its own digital archives.




Historia y Memoria de la Educación is indexed in:














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Historia y Memoria de la Educación is the journal of the Spanish Society of History of Education (SEDHE)

Journal History

At the meeting of the Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación (SEDHE) held in November, 2013, it was agreed that a new scientific journal would be created. The name decided upon was Historia y Memoria de la Educación. The journal, which is to be published on a semi-annual  basis, will be directed by professor  Antonio Viñao Frago and will be co-edited with the Publication Services of the UNED.

Historia y Memoria de la Educación is therefore the official scientific journal of the Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación.